My favorite way to make money on the internet:

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Internet Business Opportunity - Which is the Best?

Internet business opportunity article.

If you are looking for a good internet business opportunity I’m going to talk about the ones I have found and what’s good about them (or not as the case may be!) I have been making money online for a few years but spent a good part of that getting nowhere fast! But I learned A LOT! I can hopefully save you wasting as much time and money as I did.

Yes, there are plenty of scams out there but there are also plenty of legitimate online businesses. Most of them, I have discovered, are variations on one or more of the following ways to make money online:

Make money with Google Adwords

Make money with Google Adsense

Make money with a website (one you build or a ready made site)

Make money with affiliate marketing

Make money on eBay

Make money on Amazon

Make money with Blogs

Now, all the above mostly involve selling either information products or actual physical products like books, cars, DVD’s and so on. In many case the products needn’t even be yours. More on that soon.

However when you are browsing the web looking for the best internet business opportunity, you will come across many which claim to be different from anything else you have ever found. Or better, easier, faster and so on. But the fact is, they will almost always be based around one of the methods above.

So, don’t keep looking for the next great thing because all the above methods can work really well once you know what you are doing. Focus on one, really work at it and stick at it (if you are fairly new to making money online, it’s a very steep learning curve).

I think that where you can go wrong is to believe the hype and think that you can make a fortune in a matter of weeks. I certainly didn’t find that. It took me years. But don’t worry! I have written down everything I learned and made it into a website so you don’t have to take the long route I did!

Anyway, back to the internet business opportunity. Because everyone is looking for something different, I have gone into detail on my website about: which methods are low-cost to get started with, which you need a budget for, which take lots of time, which take a few hours a week, which can make you lots of money and so on. (There's a link to my site at the end of this article)

What I will say here is that the fastest way to make money is with Google Adwords. This is an online advertising system (in case you are new to all this) where you can choose your daily budget. It can work extremely well but you need to really learn how to go about it before you start spending because it is nowhere near as simple as it looks. So, although you can register with Google and have your first campaign up and running in as little as 15 minutes, you may as well go find a drain and chuck your money down it if you don’t understand how this system works – which you won’t unless you have been using adwords for ages.

In my next post I’m going to give you my review of an ebook I use all about how to make money successfully with this internet business opportunity.

Meanwhile if you want to visit my website:

Internet business opportunity

Friday, 20 June 2008


Welcome to my Internet Business Opportunity blog where I will be sharing lots of ways you can make money on the internet like I do.